1. These Internal Regulations for RKMC patients are developed in pursuance of Article 43 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of 18.06.1993 ‘On Health Care’, on the basis of the Resolution of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus of 16.08.2023 № 117.
‘On the Procedure for the Provision of Medical Care’ and other regulatory and legal acts of the Republic of Belarus.
1.1. For the purposes of these Rules, the terms and definitions established by the Law of the Republic of Belarus ‘On Health Care’ are used.
1.2. These rules regulate:
1.2.1. Rules for admission to health care at the RCMC;
1.2.2. rules for inpatient care;
1.2.3. rules for seeking outpatient medical care;
1.2.4. mode of operation of the institution and work schedule of officials;
1.2.5. patient rights and responsibilities;
1.2.6. prohibitions in force in the centre;
1.2.7. procedure for providing paid medical services;
1.2.8. procedure for providing information, certificates, extracts from medical documents;
1.2.9. procedure for resolving disputes and (or conflicts) between the patient and RCMC;
The rules are to be posted on the official RCMC website. Download Internal Regulations for RCMC Patients as a single file