Conclusion of long-term contracts


In 2024, the State Institution ‘Republican Clinical Medical Centre’ of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus will continue to work under direct contracts for the provision of paid medical services Comprehensive health care and Outpatient and polyclinic medical services.

The 2025 contracting campaign will run from November 2024 to February 2025.

Persons who have previously contracted or are transferring from budget services write applications in the office Д 112.

New applicants, as well as those who have not sought medical assistance for more than 9 months, collect the necessary documents (listed below), which are checked by the head of the polyclinic-therapeutic department Zhukovskaya Oksana Yurievna, office Б 229, tel. (017)543-42-69 (or the head of the outpatient-consultative department Emelyantseva Alexandra Alexandrovna,   office Б 201, tel. (017)543-42-60):

Document list

  • Extract from medical documents (form No. 1 med/u-10) from the polyclinic at the place of residence, containing the information

  1. seeking medical care within the last 5 years with clarified diagnoses and results of annual medical examination within the last year;

  2. the result of chest X-ray fluorography within the last year;

  3. the result of an examination by a gynaecologist within the last year (for women);

  4. information on routine (emergency - if any) prophylactic vaccinations against diphtheria and tetanus

  • Certificate from a psychoneurological dispensary (whether or not the patient is registered)

  • Certificate from a narcological dispensary (whether or not the patient is registered)

It is also possible to use the medical services provided at the RCMC by concluding an agreement with an insurance company. In 2024, the State Institution ‘Republican Clinical Medical Centre’ of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Belarus will work with the following insurance companies:

  1. БРУП экспортно-импортного страхования "БЕЛЭКСИМГАРАНТ",
  2. ЗАСО "ПромТрансИнвест",
  3. ЗАО "СК "Белросстрах",
  4. ЗСАО "Ингосстрах",
  5. Белорусское республиканское унитарное страховое предприятие "БЕЛГОССТРАХ",
  6. СООО "Асоба",
  7. ЗАСО "Белнефтестрах",
  8. УСП "БелВЭБ страхование",
  9. ЗАО "Страховая компания "ЭРГО" (с 19.11.2020г. переименовано в ЗАО "СК "Евроинс"),
  10. СБА ЗАСО "Купала"